Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year, 2016! ...and boy, is it warm out there!

Best wishes to all for the new year, 2016!

At the close of 2015, it appears that many areas around the world have been experiencing unusually warm temperatures for the winter season.

In the video below, meteorologist and economist Jim Roemer discusses some of the economic benefits for many countries in years when the South Pacific's warm El Nino currents are particularly strong. Keeping in mind his expertise in these areas, his perspective offers but one assessment of why the winter has been warm, and even that it may not be so bad for economies around the world.

Is the Warm Winter Because of El Nino or Climate Change? (Video: Bloomberg Business, 12/28/2015)

See you all on January 15. The impact of sustained low oil prices per barrel will be the topic of the day with thoughts from energy expert Stephen Schork. 

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